GINOP-1.2.2-15-2015-00476 Development of capacity and production technology at ZANE systems Kft

In 2015, we submitted our tender entitled “Development of capacity and production technology at ZANE systems Kft.”, The aim of which was to develop our machine park, with the purchase of an implantation machine, to see.

Within the framework of the Economic Development and Innovation Operational Program, the Ministry of National Economy, as a Sponsor,
“Supporting investment in capacity building for micro, small and medium-sized enterprises”, published on 9 June. at the request of
ZANE systems Limited Liability Company (GINOP-1.2.2-15-2015-00476)
Head of the Managing Authority for Economic Development Programs HUF 9,025,563, ie nine million twenty-five thousand five hundred and sixty-three
He considered it worthy of a support amounting to HUF.

Of the amount won, we purchased a Mechatronics M10V implantation machine. With our machine, we now have technology in our SMT laboratory for the implantation of up to 0201, QFN and BGA components.

· Name of the beneficiary: ZANE systems Korlátolt Felelősségű Társaság,

· Title of the project: “Development of capacity and production technology at ZANE systems Kft”

· The amount of the contracted support: HUF 9,025,563

· Aid intensity (%): 70%

· Actual completion date of the project: 14.11.2016

· Project identification number: GINOP-1.2.2-15-2015-00476